Pioneer Cold Store and Cladding Pvt Ltd, was formed mainly with the objective of manufacturing insulated Panels for Cold Store & Warehouses. The Management of Pioneer sensed the need for logistics in india in order to ensure the movement of food products across the length and breadth of India.
With more than 35 years of experience in production of insulated panels & executing various cold store installations across the Middle East, the promoters of Pioneer have put up the Plant near Chennai. After the last three years of successful commercial operations in supply and installation of Insulated Panels, Pioneer felt the need for introducing its own range of Insulated Cabins for Trucks in order to provide a complete mobile cold store solution.
Pioneer is now equipped to give a complete Insulated Cabins solution for different
applications and as always,Pioneer will be committed to the highest standards of
APPLICATON: Vehicle bodies to suitpickups,trucks,trailers and
semi-trailers(upto 40ft long) are manufactured by us according to customer
PANEL THICKNESS: 80MM to 150mm Thickness Suitable for +15 Deg
to -40 Deg.
DOORS: The different kinds of doors for the insulated truck
body are manufactured individually within our factory to meet specific client
requirement. These include double or single leaf hinged door with 270° opening.
FLOORS: The internal flooring of the vehicle body is made is
made using high grade chequered aluminium finish plates.
FINISH: PPGI,Plastisol Coated GI, Stainless steel, GRP facing,
Wooden Finish & Chequered Aluminium (for Flooring Only) etc.